The African Diaspora: Integrating Culture, Genomics, and History
Identity, Health, and Personal Ancestry Come Together
by Jacquelyn K. Beals
The genetic techniques have to be combined with anthropological knowledge, with historical knowledge and, ultimately, the people who we’re discussing have a say in their identity… Identity is more than just the science, it’s also the culture.
– Fatimah Jackson, UNC Chapel Hill
The Smithsonian and the National Human Genome Research Institute in September
2013 co-hosted a symposium on the African Diaspora: Integrating Culture,
Genomics, and History (view video), in conjunction with the “Genome Unlocking
Life’s Code”
exhibition. “The Symposium explored how historical and genomic information is
used to understand identity, health, culture and personal ancestry," stated
Vence Bonham, chair of the planning committee.
2013 co-hosted a symposium on the African Diaspora: Integrating Culture,
Genomics, and History (view video), in conjunction with the “Genome Unlocking
Life’s Code”
exhibition. “The Symposium explored how historical and genomic information is
used to understand identity, health, culture and personal ancestry," stated
Vence Bonham, chair of the planning committee.
With advances in technology, a younger group of genealogists now searches for their
personal history and identity using genomic analyses and Internet search engines.
Symposium speaker Dr. Alondra Nelson showed a typical group of genealogists
when her research started a decade ago. “It tended to be a pursuit of older folks,
older African-Americans,” said Dr. Nelson. Today she’s “trying to make connections
with younger genealogists, and you find a lot of these on YouTube.” For younger
African-Americans, genealogy is less about archival research and more about
cutting-edge DNA ancestry testing and its results.
personal history and identity using genomic analyses and Internet search engines.
Symposium speaker Dr. Alondra Nelson showed a typical group of genealogists
when her research started a decade ago. “It tended to be a pursuit of older folks,
older African-Americans,” said Dr. Nelson. Today she’s “trying to make connections
with younger genealogists, and you find a lot of these on YouTube.” For younger
African-Americans, genealogy is less about archival research and more about
cutting-edge DNA ancestry testing and its results.
Dr. Nelson’s shared the story of a young
Black woman who’d just received her
genetic ancestry test results and called
her grandmother to share the
results. “Grandma,” she said
excitedly, “we’re from Cameroon!”
After a pause her grandma replied: “No,
we’re from South Carolina.”
Black woman who’d just received her
genetic ancestry test results and called
her grandmother to share the
results. “Grandma,” she said
excitedly, “we’re from Cameroon!”
After a pause her grandma replied: “No,
we’re from South Carolina.”
And therein lies the big question – where is
anyone from, really? And another
compelling question – what can our origins
tell us about ourselves? People used to
answer these questions by following paper
trails. Has DNA testing made genealogy
simpler or more complex? It depends
who you ask.
anyone from, really? And another
compelling question – what can our origins
tell us about ourselves? People used to
answer these questions by following paper
trails. Has DNA testing made genealogy
simpler or more complex? It depends
who you ask.
Where are we from, really?
Mary Jo Arnoldi, curator of Africa Voices and chair of the museum’s
Department of Anthropology stated, “that our human species evolved in
Africa and we all share the same ancestry at this most profound level.”
Department of Anthropology stated, “that our human species evolved in
Africa and we all share the same ancestry at this most profound level.”
“Our human species evolved in Africa and we all share the same ancestry at this most profound level.”
But African-Americans want to search for ancestors who crossed the oceans – willingly
or unwillingly – in the last 500 years.
or unwillingly – in the last 500 years.
Testing companies are using that scientific innovation and research to enrich African Americans’ search for their cultural and genetic roots by identifying more specific
geographic locations and ethnic groups. With larger and better-researched reference populations, geographical localization will improve. But even the best estimates are based
on statistical probability. One respected company requires 70% confidence to report a
given result – a reasonable standard, but that 30% leaves a lot of wiggle room!
geographic locations and ethnic groups. With larger and better-researched reference populations, geographical localization will improve. But even the best estimates are based
on statistical probability. One respected company requires 70% confidence to report a
given result – a reasonable standard, but that 30% leaves a lot of wiggle room!
Types of DNA testing: What can they tell you?
Most testing companies analyze three types of DNA: mitochondrial (mtDNA), Y chromosomes, and autosomal DNA. A woman’s egg passes mtDNA to her children, whether boys or girls, but a sperm’s few mitochondria don’t persist after fertilization. All of your mitochondria contain your mother’s mtDNA, and all her mitochondria contain hermother’s mtDNA, so only one of your eight great-grandparents (your mother’s mother’s mother) contributed your mtDNA. The other seven are not represented, and this ratio gets progressively tinier the further back you go.
The Y chromosome passes from father to son and genetically defines a human male. Only males can transmit a Y chromosome, and only males inherit them. A man’s Y chromosome can be traced to his father’s, father’s, father’s, father – and farther. But, as with mtDNA, this represents
only one man in each generation – one out of 16 great-great-grandparents.
only one man in each generation – one out of 16 great-great-grandparents.
Autosomes are the 22 chromosome pairs that aren’t X or Y. Half come from your
mother, half from your father – each parent contributes one of each pair.
But during egg or sperm formation, chromosomes are mixed and matched, dealing
out randomly assorted chromosomes from each grandparent – and here genetic
genealogy gets really fascinating! Scientists are starting to pinpoint small sections
of each chromosome, finding their probable origins in African, Asian, European,
Jewish, or Native American gene pools.
mother, half from your father – each parent contributes one of each pair.
But during egg or sperm formation, chromosomes are mixed and matched, dealing
out randomly assorted chromosomes from each grandparent – and here genetic
genealogy gets really fascinating! Scientists are starting to pinpoint small sections
of each chromosome, finding their probable origins in African, Asian, European,
Jewish, or Native American gene pools.
What do our origins tell us about ourselves?
DNA evidence can also carry meanings that reach beyond historical records.
A husband-wife team of intermedia artists – Dr. Mendi and Keith Obadike – described
their “American Cypher Project,” which examines American stories about race and DNA.
Starting with the relationship of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings, they asked:
How has DNA evidence changed the way people talk about that story? How does
it raise different questions? What do people think DNA does?
A husband-wife team of intermedia artists – Dr. Mendi and Keith Obadike – described
their “American Cypher Project,” which examines American stories about race and DNA.
Starting with the relationship of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings, they asked:
How has DNA evidence changed the way people talk about that story? How does
it raise different questions? What do people think DNA does?
Paper trails, old photos, and family stories
contain inconsistencies and gaps. But people
tend to expect precision and infallibility from
DNA science.
contain inconsistencies and gaps. But people
tend to expect precision and infallibility from
DNA science.
And yet: “We were really sort of inspired by how ambiguous some of the science was, or how inconclusive it was,” Keith said. “As artists we
thrive on ambiguity. It’s like when all the
answers aren’t there, so we can really generate
some … We don’t know how you feel about
it as scientists,
but for us, it’s a goldmine.”
thrive on ambiguity. It’s like when all the
answers aren’t there, so we can really generate
some … We don’t know how you feel about
it as scientists,
but for us, it’s a goldmine.”
Speaker, Dr. Sandra Soo-Jin Lee
picked up these ambiguities in her survey
research, which asked the question: “An
individual who identifies as African-American receives genetic ancestry test results
that indicate that she has 0% African ancestry, 87% European and 13% Asian ancestry.
I would classify her as _______.” 16% of respondents chose: “What she said is
what she is, African-American”; 2% picked Asian-American, 18% said
European-American, and 41% said “other”; the remaining 23% “don’t know.”
picked up these ambiguities in her survey
research, which asked the question: “An
individual who identifies as African-American receives genetic ancestry test results
that indicate that she has 0% African ancestry, 87% European and 13% Asian ancestry.
I would classify her as _______.” 16% of respondents chose: “What she said is
what she is, African-American”; 2% picked Asian-American, 18% said
European-American, and 41% said “other”; the remaining 23% “don’t know.”
The survey allowed respondents to explain their choice of “other.” Write-ins included:
lab mix-up; mixed race, but it’s not up to me to decide; African-American is a
cultural identity,
not about a “racial blood quantum”; I’d call her Eurasian; and, I’d need to know
why the classification: social and cultural might be African-American, but to tailor drugs/treatments
for medical purposes, then European/Asian would be most important.
lab mix-up; mixed race, but it’s not up to me to decide; African-American is a
cultural identity,
not about a “racial blood quantum”; I’d call her Eurasian; and, I’d need to know
why the classification: social and cultural might be African-American, but to tailor drugs/treatments
for medical purposes, then European/Asian would be most important.
“Has DNA testing made genealogy simpler or more complex?” It does depend who you ask.
So we ask again, “Has DNA testing made genealogy simpler or more complex?” It does depend who you ask. But more and more people are asking, and the answers
extend far beyond the sequence of bases in DNA, encountering issues of culture,
history, and personal identity.
extend far beyond the sequence of bases in DNA, encountering issues of culture,
history, and personal identity.
“Over the past several years, the National Museum of African American History and
Culture has produced a very ambitious series of engaging programs with a primary
focus on historical events or figures and the vibrancy of African American culture
and art,” said Dierdre Cross, program coordinator at the NMAAHC. But “the
African Diaspora Symposium … added another dimension to our
programming: to have our audience participate in discussions focused on scientific
innovation, as represented by genomic research, and its direct impact
on African American health issues and community history.”
Culture has produced a very ambitious series of engaging programs with a primary
focus on historical events or figures and the vibrancy of African American culture
and art,” said Dierdre Cross, program coordinator at the NMAAHC. But “the
African Diaspora Symposium … added another dimension to our
programming: to have our audience participate in discussions focused on scientific
innovation, as represented by genomic research, and its direct impact
on African American health issues and community history.”
* held September 12, 2013, at the Smithsonian National Museum of
Natural History, Washington, DC
Natural History, Washington, DC
(1) Author, Scientist Assist in Tracing Lineage. National Public Radio.
(2) Ancestry-informative Markers Explained .Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms, National Human Genome Research Institute.
(3) The African Diaspora Symposium: Integrating Culture, Genomics, and History. National Human Genome Research Institute.