
Monday, June 29, 2020

Take Your Racism and Repent

Op-Ed Published 6/29/2020 Blogger
The Creator has a message that seems to get filtered, altered, by-passed, ignored, manipulated, corrupted, and outright dismissed by in leadership. The Creator has faced many challenges to bring his people into the light. The world, as we know, it will change forever. Resistance is expected and predicted as people make their adjustments. The Creator knows all things and has sent his messengers to do surprising things in his name. He has sent Cov-19, Storms, floods, protest against injustices of all forms, climate change, locust, and those who will attempt to destroy humankind.
I transition eight years ago after wondering in my desert, not knowing myself. When the Creator was ready, I was given a choice to live in the light or descend to hell. I wanted the sunlight and the Creators blessing. He asked two simple questions," do you love me? do you believe in me?." I was asked that question every day for a very long time. Each time I answered the same, but something was missing. You see, devotion and commitment to the Creator without reservations or hesitation requires a real commitment. The Creator knows your heart, and you can not hide from the truth of yourself. Bring yourself in the light and walk with the Creator in all things you do. 
Repent for your sins to your fellow humankind, ask forgiveness, at tone for your shameful abuses. Treat each other with respect as you desire the same. Please give to the less fortunate of us, provide substance and be a helpmate to all that ask. Stop your selfishness; only thinking of your needs and desires. If you wish to ascend to the Creator, do those things required of you. 
Wear a mask to help defeat the Cov19 virus. Stay home as much as you can, forget your desires to be out and about. Let's work towards equal justice and equality for all. Let's work on our racism towards each other and create a just society.
The Creator (God) gave you the road map by sending his disciples, messenger, and ordinary people to spread his word to you. Ascending or descending is your choice and yours alone. 

Benjamin Montgomery

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